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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Sound Studies@UW - ECPv4.6.21//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Sound Studies@UW X-ORIGINAL-URL:http://soundstudies.wisc.edu X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Sound Studies@UW BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20170413T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20170413T141500 DTSTAMP:20210526T154647 CREATED:20170404T025026Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170404T025026Z UID:315-1492088400-1492092900@soundstudies.wisc.edu SUMMARY:Adam Sachs - Saving New Sounds DESCRIPTION:Public Seminar – “Saving New Sounds: Preserving Podcasts”\nThurs. Apr. 13\, 1-2:15pm in Vilas Hall 4070 \nWe are\, as commentators have noted\, in the midst of a “Golden Age of Podcasts”; a moment where the choice for quality digital audio abounds\, and where new voices and listeners connect daily through earbuds\, car stereos\, home speakers or office computers. Podcasting is just over 10 years old\, but it has ushered in an explosion of amateur and professional cultural production.However\, this new format is shockingly vulnerable; podcast feeds end abruptly\, cease to be maintained\, or become housed in proprietary databases\, like iTunes\, which are difficult to search with any rigor. As the industry grows in popularity\, professionalization and commercialization also threaten to streamline production and limit podcasting’s democratic diversity and accessibility. In this talk\, Adam Sachs\, former CEO of Midroll Media and founder/host of the Wolf Den podcast will join a panel featuring Dr. Jeremy Morris (UW-Madison) and Dana Gerber-Margie (Editor of the Bello Collective and A/V Archivist) to discuss the importance of preserving podcasting’s history and the challenges faced when archiving digital objects. \nAdam Sachs is currently the Entrepreneur in Residence at The Chernin Group and the former CEO of Midroll Media\, a leading podcast network that produces and monetizes some of the world’s most popular podcasts\, including “WTF with Marc Maron” and “Comedy Bang! Bang!” Midroll is the parent company of Earwolf\, home to top-ranked comedy podcasts\, the recently launched “Katie Couric”\, and the country’s top parenting show\, “The Longest Shortest Time.” Sachs led the business through bootstrapped growth and innovation\, including the launch of the podcast industry’s first premium subscription service\, howl.fm\, and he hosted his own podcast\, “The Wolf Den\,” about the future of podcasting and digital media. He was named one of Inc. Magazine’s top “30 Entrepreneurs Under 30” in 2011. \nThis event is sponsored and supported by The University Lectures Committee Fitch Fund\, The Department of Communication Arts\, The School of Journalism & Mass Communication\, The Center for the Humanities and the Sound Studies Borghesi-Mellon Interdisciplinary Workshop in the Humanities\, with support from Nancy and David Borghesi and the A. W. Mellon Foundation. \n URL:http://soundstudies.wisc.edu/event/adam-sachs-saving-new-sounds/ LOCATION:821 University Ave\, Madison\, WI\, 53706\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:http://soundstudies.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Cropped.jpeg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR